Understanding Plus One Etiquette
Wedding invitation etiquette can be tricky to navigate, even in the year 2023. For many couples, the challenge of choosing who gets to bring a plus one to the wedding can be particularly daunting. To make sure your guests feel welcome and respected, it’s important to understand the etiquette surrounding plus ones.
Traditional wedding invitations include the names of the couple getting married and the names of the people they are inviting. This is why it’s important to be specific when you’re addressing your wedding invitations. If you’re inviting a single guest, you can simply write their name on the envelope; however, if you’re inviting a couple, you should include both of their names. This will make it clear that the couple is invited, and not just one person.
In some cases, you may want to invite a single guest but give them the option of bringing a plus one. In this situation, you can address the envelope to the single guest and include a phrase such as “and guest” or “and companion”. This will let the guest know that they can bring someone with them if they choose to do so.
Including Plus One Information on Your Invitations
If you’re inviting a single guest and giving them the option of bringing a plus one, it’s important to make sure that your wedding invitations clearly indicate that they can do so. You can do this by including a line on the invitation that says something like “plus one welcome” or “guests welcome”. This will let the single guest know that they can bring a plus one if they would like to do so.
In some cases, you may want to invite a single guest but limit their plus one to a specific person. For example, if the single guest is dating someone, you may want to specify on the invitation that they can only bring that particular person as their plus one. In this situation, you should include the name of the person the single guest can bring on the invitation. This will make it clear that the single guest’s plus one is restricted to the person named on the invitation.
Communicating Plus One Policies to Your Guests
Even if you include plus one information on your wedding invitations, your guests may still be confused about the plus one policy. To avoid any potential confusion or hurt feelings, it’s important to clearly communicate your plus one policies to your guests. You can do this by including a line on your wedding website or social media page that explains your plus one policy.
You may also want to consider sending a follow up email to your guests. In this email, you can remind them of your plus one policy and let them know that if they have any questions, they can contact you for clarification. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to your plus one policy.
Considering Special Circumstances
When it comes to plus one etiquette, it’s important to keep in mind that there may be special circumstances that require you to make exceptions to your plus one policy. For example, if a single guest has been in a long-term relationship but isn’t married, you may want to consider allowing them to bring their partner as their plus one. Similarly, if a single guest is recently divorced or widowed, you may want to consider allowing them to bring a friend or family member as their plus one.
It’s also important to keep in mind that some guests may not want to bring a plus one. This could be for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they don’t have anyone to bring or because they don’t feel comfortable bringing a date. In these cases, it’s important to respect their wishes and not pressure them into bringing a plus one.
In the year 2023, it’s important to understand the etiquette surrounding plus ones when you’re sending out your wedding invitations. You should be specific when you’re addressing your invitations, and consider including a line that indicates whether or not plus ones are welcome. You should also communicate your plus one policy to your guests, and be willing to make exceptions in special circumstances. By following these tips, you can ensure that all of your guests feel welcome and respected at your wedding.
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